ArcGIS Toolbox – Create a Custom Polygon Grid with ArcPy

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Updated – 7/15/2015
Fixed line movement from setting Overflow value, now based on slope
Updated – 2/27/2015
Fixed compatibility with Python 3 for ArcGIS Pro

(If you’re using Firefox, then right click and Save Link As)
Download the Custom Grid Toolbox – works with ArcGIS 10.1+
(contains 5 tools, 4 to make quarter and quarter quarter section grids with labels and 1 to make a custom grid)

(any donations go towards hosting costs)

View the Source Code:
Create Custom Grid
Create Q Sections script
Create QQ Sections script
Create Q Labels script
Create QQ Labels script

Watch how to use the Custom Grid Tools — Video Updated on 7-16-2015

So, maybe you’re doing an environmental analysis (check out my Create Random Points tool) and need to split a study area into equal plots? Or you work for a government agency and need to create a quarter or quarter section grid? Or you work for a utility company and need to split up an area in order to create features in correct locations? The possibilities are endless…

This tool allows a user to create a custom polygon grid of any size from an existing polygon feature class.
It loops through each polygon feature and splits it into whatever division was chosen.

This tool was created using Python, or more specifically ESRI’s ArcPy module.

Be sure to view the Tool Help within the tool dialog box for detailed instructions. Also, check the Geoprocessing Results for any error messages.

Here’s a screenshot of the parameters:
Custom Grid parameters

But, basically, you could take a polygon like this:

Custom Grid

And turn it into this:

Custom Grid split

Or maybe this:

Custom Grid split

Okay, enough of that. I think you get the point. I hope someone can find this tool useful.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions or problems, and be sure to check out the other tools I’ve created!

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