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Download the Create Grid Corner Points Toolbox – works with ArcGIS 10.1+
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The Create Grid Corner Points tool creates a point at each corner on an input polygon feature class. It also
provides the option to add midpoints for each side of the polygon. The output Point feature class will
contain a field called PolygonOID which contains the OID of the polygon it was created from. It will also
have a field called Position which contains the cardinal direction of each point in relation to the polygon.
Be sure to view the Tool Help within the tool dialog box for detailed instructions. Also, check the
Geoprocessing Results for any error messages.
Here’s a screenshot of the parameters:
I hope someone can find this tool useful. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or problems, and be sure to check out the other tools I’ve created!
This is great! I need to join PLS data on tree species and landscape characteristics to the corner points and midpoints and of course the grid is not symmetrical. The directional reference is just what I needed to match up my points.
If you wanted to expand this tool, could you add a midpoint option also with position reference (N,S,E,W)? Also optionally preserving the original polygon attributes would be very helpful too.
Thank you again! This has really helped me!
Hi Tammy, thanks for the comment and suggestion! That’s a really good idea. I’ve now added this capability. Also, you can use the PolygonOID field to join with the old polygon feature class to get the attributes. Hope it helps!
Dude, thank you so much for the tool you make. I extractied polygons of map index to get the nw and se coordiantes using your tool with arcGIS 10.3. It helps me alot.
Hi Ian,
Tools you have helping us a lot.
Thank you so much.
Keep up the awesome work you are doing!
How to make a shapefile(which is not grid aligned) to grid aligned?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I Cant find this tool.arcmap 10.7.1